"Laser Like" energetic


to move you on your

spiritual path

You will receive a total of 6 path clearings during this 6 month developmental series.

Path Clearing Series

A 6 Month Developmental Series for Busy Women and Men Ready to find their Authentic Self from the start of the Crisp Fall Nights to the Winter Evenings!

We will meet live on Zoom or In- -Person :

From 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm, the 3rd Thursday each month

If you are unable to make a session, you can work with Diane to make up that session or receive a recording.

You will receive the necessary handouts and information before the class to allow everyone to learn on their own time before we all come together on Zoom or In-Person for our monthly clearing.

Dates are-

October 19, November 16, December 21, 2023 and continue into January 18,

February 15, and March 21, 2024

You will be releasing limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, negative thought patterns, addictions, behavioral patterns you no longer need.

You will release this monthly through a meditation called an attunement.

You will be able to connect to your true identity, your authentic self and move into fall and winter living the life you desire.

A teacher track is available for individuals who desire to share this program with others. You will receive the blessing, knowledge, manuals, registration with the Lightarian Institute, and electronic Certificate at the end of the program.

The Lightarian Clearings(TM) stimulate healing of your emotional and physical body together for deep healing.

You will feel more joy, clarity, and abundance in your life as you move through the Path Clearing Series.

You will vibrate at a higher energy allowing your chakras to anchor in more Light as you move through the Clearing Series.

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s an accomplished and yogi and spiritual coach who found her way back to health after

Diane Bovalino is an accomplished certified energy healer, yogi, International Best Selling Author and spiritual coach who found her way back to health after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

As a certified energy healer, Diane specializes as a Usui/Holy Fire III Online, Karuna and Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master. She is an Affiliate Member of The International Reiki (ICRT) and has received all upgraded attunements and ignitions to teach in person and online for all Reiki classes.

Diane practices the sacred healing wisdom of Ama-Deus energy healing and is a Level 2 Ama-Deus Practitioner.

Diane holds a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate and is a member of Yoga Alliance.

Diane has a certificate in Reflexology from the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine.

Diane recently became an International Best Selling Author of Entangled No More which is a multi-author book of inspiring stories from women who survived toxic relationships and our now thriving!

Diane's passion is teaching Reiki as she shares in her story how Reiki helped her during these troubling times and she is here to share the gift of Reiki to others.